martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Sons of Liberty.

The Sons of Liberty was a group of American Patriots that started the Revolution to accomplish at the end the Independence of the Unites States. This group was created in intentions of protecting the rights of the colonists, and also to protests and do whatever is necesarry against the levy of taxes. This group have two memorable moments that influenciated a lot in the American Revolution that was the Boston Massacre and the Boston Te Party in 1733 that was a form of revenge of the Massacre and because the British still didnt want to understand that the Colonists wouldnt accept that type of taxes or any tax at all. Because of the Boston Te Party the Parliament passed a law in 1774 to eliminate any type of colonial resistance against the tax imposal.

This group started in the year of 1765 by Samuel Adams, but it was not named Sons of Liberty it was called Boston Caucus Club that was a small group of peolpe who wanted to defend their right and get a representation in the Parliament because all of this conflicts first started by the colonists not having any type of representation in the British Parliament. The Boston Caucus Club consisted mostly in artisians, merchants, and tradesmen. While time was passing in Boston there were other type of groups that started to emerge with the same intentions such as the Loyal Nine, that were a group of professionals protesting of the taxes. Later on all the groups that existed were joined together and they called themselves The Sons Of Liberty with e motto that exclaimed No Taxation Without Representation.

The Sons of Liberty with time they created a formal underground organization and also they elected their member and leaders. Many important people joined this group such as Samuel Adams, Benedict Arnold, Benjamin Edes, John Lamb, James Otis ect. The Leaders of the Sons of Liberty were practically from the middle class. In many cases their meeting turned violent because not always they agreed to the ideas proposed and they wanted vilolence acts instead of words and documents so they were incharge of burning, destroying, tortoring any British that was considered as a threat. An example is the Tathering and the Feathering that consisted that any member of the group was incharged to pour tar and feathers to stamp colectors or the tax colectors. This created tention in the government and in the bussiness because now no one will agree to colect taxes because they would be beat up by them. Another example is when they burned down the house of the Massachusets Govenor Thomas Hutchinson that eventhough he was not a British still they burned his house down because of being the Govenor of Massachusets. In 1767 they adopted a flag and named it the Rebellious Flag, consisted of nine uneven vertical stripes five red and four white. There were nine stripes because in that time only nine out of thirteen colonies were against Britain.

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